Worry can keep us wide awake at night. 

Whether we are trying to focus on school, excel at our jobs, or enjoy a restful retirement, anxiety might creep up sometimes.  And much like an uninvited guest, it may pay you an unexpected visit, staying too long and prompting overwhelming emotions.

When nerves, stress, and fear knock on your door occasionally, you might be able to let them in for a quick chat and move on.  Yet, if they become persistent and hard to control, they run the risk of disrupting your life.

If anxiety is overextending its stay, you are not alone.  Many of us feel agitated, constantly worrying about yesterday’s decisions and making too many plans about tomorrow.  We become so uneasy that attempting to relax or stay still can be pretty difficult.  And while some might be able to cope with it all, others may feel paralyzed or trapped in an endless spiral.

Excessive and severe anxiety can impact your emotional, psychological, and physical health, making school, work, relationships, and daily tasks extremely challenging.

And, there is hope.

Anxiety does not have to limit your potential or hold you back.  With professional help and practical resources, you can regain courage, laugh, and love again. 

At Sequoia Psychology Associates, we offer therapy for anxiety and other services to support adults in Redwood City, California and its surrounding areas.  This includes San Carlos, Belmont, San Mateo, Foster City, Burlingame, Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, and Los Altos.

Despite the obstacles, we believe in your ability to grow as tall and strong as a sequoia, forming unique experiences along the way.

If you or your loved ones are struggling with anxiety, we are here for you.  Let’s work together to help you reach new heights.

Contact us for more information or book a consultation to get started.

What Is Anxiety?

Anxiety is the human reaction to any situation or place that seems frightening, threatening, or alarming.

Occasional and momentary anxiety is manageable and might help us respond with caution to scary situations or stay focused on a task.  You may feel it when giving a presentation at school, pitching to a new client, or even when dating someone new.   

Yet, when anxiety becomes intrusive, severe, and recurring, it can impede essential functions.  You might have trouble keeping up with schoolwork, performing your job, or handling things at home.  Driving, interacting with friends and family, or even sleeping can feel daunting. 

Unhealthy anxiety can manifest itself in different ways:

  • Generalized Anxiety: Excessive fear and worry about multiple areas of your life.
  • Panic Disorder: Recurring and unexpected panic attacks.
  • Phobias: Intense aversion to specific things or situations.

Social Anxiety: Extreme fear of being judged by others or humiliating yourself in social circumstances.

Causes of Anxiety

Why anxiety shows up and how it impacts your life can vary greatly.  It depends on many biological, psychological, and environmental circumstances.

Some of the common risk factors or causes associated with anxiety include:

  • Underlying medical conditions (i.e., heart problems, thyroid issues, chronic pain)
  • Side effects or withdrawal to medications and other substances
  • Experiencing other mental health disorders (i.e., depression)
  • History of anxiety or other mental health problems in your family
  • High stress levels about work, school, finances, or other matters
  • Traumatic experiences or abuse (i.e., childhood trauma)

Am I Suffering From Anxiety?

Many of us experience anxious thoughts and emotions ever so often.  In most of these cases, we can handle anxiety on our own and carry on.

But if anxiety is so persistent and overwhelming that it paralyzes you or keeps you from living your life, you might need professional help.  When left untreated, unhealthy anxiety can deeply affect your well-being.

The first step in healing is learning and noticing the signs.

Here are some common symptoms of severe and debilitating anxiety:

  • Uncontrollable worry
  • Constant nerves
  • Ruminating thoughts
  • Difficulty concentrating or finding motivation
  • Drastic mood changes
  • Feeling restless and uneasy
  • Hyperventilating
  • Racing heartbeat or increased heart rate
  • Sweating, shaking, or trembling
  • Gastrointestinal problems

Whether you struggle with some or most of the above, please know therapy can help address your symptoms.

How Can Therapy Help With Anxiety?

Therapy for anxiety can help you find the peace and hope you deserve.  During treatment, you will collaborate with a licensed therapist or counselor who will guide you to identify and manage your symptoms, so you can focus on what truly matters.

Therapy offers an open and safe space to share what you are going through, what is triggering your anxiety, and how it is impacting your life.  Your therapist is there to listen and support you, not to judge you or tell you what you should and shouldn’t do.  

With your counselor’s help, you will recognize thinking, emotional, and behavioral patterns that may be contributing to your symptoms.  This knowledge can broaden your perspective and provide valuable insight into yourself.

Therapy complements this self-discovery process with evidence-based skills.  Your therapist will teach you actionable strategies to cope with anxiety when it shows up and other exercises to embrace a self-care practice.  The goal is to empower you with what you need to face the world outside of therapy and maintain your well-being.

Therapy for Anxiety at Sequoia Psychology Associates

At Sequoia Psychology Associates, our mission is to support adults through their most complex challenges so they can enjoy a happy and wholesome life. 

We offer therapy for anxiety, among other services, to the community of Redwood City, California, and its neighboring areas.  We also run group therapy for social anxiety, trauma, and pregnancy loss. 

Our staff of mental health professionals has experience in various therapeutic approaches, including Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, and Mindfulness.  We focus on delivering a tailored treatment that fits your concerns, personality, and values. 

Therapy sessions are currently offered online via telehealth.

If you or someone in your family is suffering from anxiety, please remember: you are not alone. 

Together, we can find a way forward.

Contact us to book a consultation today!

Let’s Connect

(650) 847-0058

61 Renato Ct, Suite 23; Redwood City, CA 94061
